Institutional development
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NPM Models
Institutional development
Engaging with others
NPM Models
What is Torture Prevention?
What is the NPM Toolkit and how to use it?
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Working with external experts
What are external experts and why do NPMs work with them?
Preventive visits
What is a “preventive” visit?
Coordination with other monitoring bodies
Who are other national bodies conducting visits?
National Human Rights Institutions
What are national human rights institutions as NPMs?
Handling complaints
What is a complaint?
Multiple bodies
What are multiple body NPMs?
Thematic and other reports
What are thematic reports?
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
What are NPM recommendations?
Annual Reports
What is an NPM annual report ?
New specialised institutions
What is a new specialised institution?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
Who are NPM members and staff?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
What professional expertise is required for NPM members and staff?
Preventive visits
What are the different "types" of visits?
Working with external experts
Which requirements should external experts meet?
Coordination with other monitoring bodies
Why coordinate with other bodies conducting visits?
National Human Rights Institutions
What are the different types of NHRIs?
Handling complaints
What challenges do complaints raise for the NPM’s preventive mandate?
Multiple bodies
What are the different possible structures for multiple body NPMs?
Thematic and other reports
Why draft a thematic report?
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
What types of recommendations are made by NPMs?
Annual Reports
Why draft an annual report ?
New specialised institutions
What are the different types of new specialised institutions?
New specialised institutions
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a new specialised institution as an NPM?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
What are the other key considerations for the designation of members and staff of an NPM?
Working with external experts
What is the status of external experts (rights and obligations)?
Preventive visits
Why have a programme of visits?
Coordination with other monitoring bodies
How to coordinate with other bodies conducting visits?
National Human Rights Institutions
What are the advantages and challenges faced by NHRIs as NPMs?
Handling complaints
How could NPMs handle expectations regarding complaints?
Multiple bodies
What are some of the advantages and challenges faced by multiple bodies as NPM?
Thematic and other reports
How to choose a topic for a thematic report?
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
What makes a good recommendation?
Annual Reports
What is the target audience of an NPM annual report ?
New specialised institutions
What are the first steps for a new specialised institution?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
Which skills and other requirements should NPM members and staff have?
Working with external experts
What is the role of external experts?
Preventive visits
Where and when should the NPM’s first visit be conducted?
National Human Rights Institutions
What kind of internal structure is most appropriate for NHRIs as NPMs?
Handling complaints
What are the synergies between complaints and the NPM’s preventive mandate?
Multiple bodies
What are the key budget and financial considerations for a multiple body NPM?
Thematic and other reports
How to gather information for a thematic report?
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
Why is it important to have a follow-up strategy for NPM recommendations?
Annual Reports
What should be the content of an NPM annual report ?
Annual Reports
What should be the format of an NPM annual report ?
New specialised institutions
How can new institutions work as a team and build a collective identity?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
What do independence and impartiality mean for NPM members and staff?
Working with external experts
What are the different modalities of working with external experts?
Preventive visits
How many visits should be conducted every year?
National Human Rights Institutions
What level of NPM autonomy for NHRIs?
Handling complaints
What internal procedures should NPMs put in place to receive and handle complaints?
Multiple bodies
How is a multiple body NPM coordinated?
Thematic and other reports
Suggested content of a thematic report
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
How can NPMs follow-up on recommendations?
Annual Reports
When NPMs operate within a broader institution or are comprised of several institutions, should the NPM annual report be published separately ?
New specialised institutions
Communication and making the NPM known.
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
Which situations could represent a conflict of interest?
Preventive visits
Should NPMs conduct both announced and unannounced visits?
National Human Rights Institutions
What are the key budget and financial considerations for NHRIs with an NPM mandate?
Handling complaints
How should NPMs react externally to complaints?
Multiple bodies
Which body liaises with the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, and other international bodies?
Thematic and other reports
Suggested format of a thematic report
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
What can NPMs do to overcome obstacles in the implementation of their recommendations?
Recommendations and Follow-Up Strategies
How to systematise and keep track of recommendations over time?
Annual Reports
Who should write an NPM annual report ?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
Can seconded state officials or civil servants work for NPMs?
Preventive visits
How to conduct a preventive visit?
National Human Rights Institutions
What are the key staffing considerations for NHRIs taking on an NPM mandate?
Multiple bodies
How can multiple bodies create an NPM identity and who “is” the NPM?
Thematic and other reports
What should be the dissemination and follow-up strategy for a thematic report?
Annual Reports
How to strategically disseminate an annual report ?
Profile and skills of NPM members and staff
Should NPM members and staff have the same privileges and guarantees?
Preventive visits
What is the “average length” of a preventive visit?
Multiple bodies
What kind of reports may multiple body NPMs produce?